a place where she always goes

Friday, February 06, 2004

ouch. guess what? i just went for a flu jab. since my mum complains that i kena flu easily so when i reached home today, she happily sent me down to the doc to take the flu jab. which costs $29 and hurts a deal. dont worry, i dint cry or anything like that. whee. haha, neither am i on a high as well so yeah. the needle wasnt painful, but the medicine was. as in, when the needle went in, it didnt hurt. but when the medicine went into the bloodstream it hurt alot more. and the doctor just had to emphasise on the point when he was injecting the medicine. how nice. but overall it was alright i guess. abit teeny weeny bit more painful than a mosquito bite. which we cant detect half the time. *grin*

im sposed to change my hp tmr. when i get my first pay! whee. mei ah, here comes your treat. name the place and we'll visit the place soon. some weekend when you're free yeah? *grin* just dont make me go broke. i earn barely $800 a month and im spending them on a new hp when i get my first pay. haha. but i need to change my hp. it likes to auto-shutdown. or it will auto-restart itself. how nice my handphone is to me. kailyn's father was just commenting that my hp doesnt like me that's why it is doing that to me. how funny. but i dont know which handphone to change to. i would like a samsung phone though. whee.