a place where she always goes

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

groggy with FA.
income statement, balance sheet, cashflow statement.
im damn dubious of my workings and answers. now i turn to mcq for my marks. and pray hard that i do well enough to sustain a B to B+ grade. HELP!
that sounds so far away. far far away in the southern part of __________ . [fill in the blank yourself.]
im damn tired.
will watch tv tonight. got xiao hua xiao cao. and the amazing race 6. and sleep late. and wake up late [at 8am. presumably my mummy will wake me up] and get out of the house by 9am. and start the bloody cycle all over again.
did i mention im kinda sick of macs?
dont ever tell me you wanna dine at macs my dear friends. never. cos im sick of them already.
but im gonna eat them for tmr as well. and next monday!
thank goodness we're going to school on friday. we are right? heh.
and bug prof gan? i just hope he doesnt put ME down.
my confidence level will go all crashing. blearh.
and LTB results coming out on sunday. THIS sunday. ahhhh.
*nervous* wonder how I would do. hum.