a place where she always goes

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

i battled a bicycle today and i won.
but i still cannot ride straight. all thanks to my stiff hands that gripped the bars tightly.
but i finally learnt how to ride! whee. boing.
grin. me my sis and my cuzzie learnt how to ride today and we had sooo much fun :)

then we went to sakura tampines to eat buffet and it was damn good (:
hey jason, the service was not bad mah. and there werent alot of people.
think you were just suay. muahaha.
feeling a little evil today :)

so bloated that we all skipped dinner. the food from buffet is enough to suffice to daylight tmr.
grin. and i spent the rest of my day reading jack du brul's "deep fire rising" which is damn good coincidentally. very geological and informative. talks about the earth's tectonic movements [ahh my fave geog topic] at the same time thrilling.
realising im more attracted to books which authors have done in depth research on, instead of just mere thrillers. im moving away from just thrillers alone. heh.
tmr i have my first driving lesson :) and then i have tuition. and then dental appointment. and then appointment with singapore idol. ooooh im gonna vote for taufik.
whee. and then i made a date with kailyn on thurs, and yy, dempsey saturday? im quite fine with that but i still end tuition at 6. grin.