im blogging on yy's laptop at yy's place!!
they are all still eating dinner. all i.e. fishball khaiwei joycet and kailyn :)
we had bowling just now and it was damn damn damn damn damn damn fun!!
funny, crappy, lamee, madness!
the classic moments were when we were trying to screw everyone's game, so when each of us have our turn, there's bound to be someone waiting right behind to bowl for us [and give us longkang balls] or someone will step on the line to make it beep!
best classic moment.
joycet wanted to bowl for kw. yy was on the phone.
joycet managed to get the ball, she rolled it, kw rushed down the side trying to stop the ball.
in the panic amidst, joycet stepped on the line to foul the ball. and kw thought it fouled because he was trying to stop the ball! and you should have seen how joycet stepped on the line! like a little kid denied of his lollypop and stomped in a temper. WAHAHAHA.
i laughed until i nearly died. and yy missed the whole show cuz she was on the phone with her mum! awww. grin.
after that i went into a mad high and tried every single ball possible! wheee! grin.
so so so so so fun.
my arm will ache like shit tmr.
WHEEE. and i cant wait to go hongkong with this bunch of people :D
peiling was giving me ideas where to shop when we met for the video showing yesterday :D grin. and desmond kept commenting about us girls doing non stop shopping. and soontien was there trying to convince me not to show so that i can save the money up for my 3G nokia 6680. nice try ahahaha.
they are still eating dinner! gonna play a few rounds of mahjong later :D
anyways. had video showing at ncss yesterday. an alright no of people came, but most of the committee members were there except for fucai gary and him. got class mah. haha. then we were just jokiing and having fun. :D and the video was damn funny! soon tien sent it to me via msn le. and they decided not to follow up on the children camp idea. which was kinda expected cuz the children sector volunteers werent exactly enthu about it in the first place. oh wells. shrugs. and hence me peiling and soontien were just slacking around. ended up watching last year's video, when i was one of the participants. and realised i've changed alot since then. seriously. i should ask those who has seen me then and now, whats the difference. soontien said it was something to do with the jc and uni look. very different. okayyyy.
for the better or for the worse? i think the better. hahahaha.
whee they finished dinner alr. WHEEE. mahjong time! :D
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