a place where she always goes

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


remember the brown liquid that we are all quite familar with when we are sick with cough? ah yes that brown cough syrup. it causes drowsiness, dont we all remember? yea. and i thought i was quite immune to that drowsiness effect caused by the cough syrup due to too much of it when young. so this time round when the doktor gave me the same brown medicine, i thought i'd just take it and nothing would happen i.e. cough wouldnt improve and i wouldnt feel sleepy.

and guess what. my cough hasnt improved. and i feel sleepy.
i took the medicine once last night, i slept at 10plus. and that is not normal for an smu undergrad in week 9. sleeping at 10pm at night is tantamount to suicide, just think of all the readings not done and work not completed. yea baby i didnt finish reading up for ipr because i slept at 10 and woke up at 10. and after i had brunch + medication ( i didnt realise the brown liquid was the cause of my drowsiness), when i was on the bus, i felt really not well AND sleepy. and i was so tempted to make full use of the MC the doktor gave me for today, and sit in the bus and sleeep. i slept on the bus, woke up at plaza sing and decided to go for class after all. and now i know that stupid liquid is causing the drowsiness, i aint drinking it until tonight, just before i go to bed. which is prolly midnight i hope. because i really need to study.
