a place where she always goes

Friday, July 02, 2004

library library library.
books books books! whee. so happy =)
went to jurong east library with roo today and i borrowed books.
as usual. i took much more than what i could borrow.
ended borrowing 2 books with roo's card.. so i borrowed 7 when i could borrow 5. hum. twiddles thumb. oh wells. i cannot help it la.. hee. so if anybody wishes to keep his or her library card slots to himself or herself, never go to the library with me, or else i'd try to psycho you into lending me your slots.. though roo surrendered them to me pretty easily today =) now i have 10 library books at home. hum. whatever happened to my mugging? hem. think i should get started. and stop procrastinating. oh wells. whee. books. books. books. and more books. me love books. whee. grin. me want more books.