a place where she always goes

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

hurried one.

this is gonna be a damn hurried post cos i wanna go play my twin heroes. wahaha. im addicted to the game and i wanna play as much tonight before i go for Pow Wow camp. whee. erm. not that im looking forward to the dirty games after hearing that we're gonna bathe in mobile toilets. like what the hell but anyway, yeah.

had vivace today. as usual, it was a hurry-up-finish-grab-bag and zao thing. had my senior to help me garner my stamps so i finished in less than an hour. oops hee. well, joycez and yuan, you guys could have gotten wendy or jiaming to help you. wendy helped me. wahahaha. and i owe her a drink. hee. got damn lotsa stuff in our orientation bag. items are as follows:
sleeping bag
water bottle
bottled drink
thermal mug
smu towel
smu notebook
mint sweets in a damn cool metalic case
one big package of shampoo conditioner and shower gel plus cleanser sponsored by ginvera green tea
and some other small stuff in the nicks of the bag.
you get the idea.

quite weirdly my og mates dont seem to be my classmates. i mean we have totally different timetables. er okay. i thought they would be my timetable mates aka classmates for the next one year. oh wells.
oh and he crashed vivace today. hee. in the process skipping the first aid talk but hey wenhui is there to save his ass. thanks dude. grin. and we met some of the cip people as we were heading towards the busstop near serene and all of us were going to holland v. ooh so coincidental. wahaha.
and yeah. swensens is having this topless-5 scoops of icecream deal going for $1.39.
it's damn good and cheap la. damn good. wahaha.
try the combi of blueberry, strawberry, sticky chewy choc, cookies and cream, and choc peanut buttercups.
the combi is fantabulous. wahahaha.
im quite on a high now if you can see. grin.

kk see ya people 3 days later.. i.e. saturday morning i suppose. or maybe evening cos i have convo that day. but if im damn shacked, maybe sunday then. wahahaha.