a place where she always goes

Saturday, August 07, 2004

orientation group.

whee. finally saw my orientation group today. whee. they seem pretty much nice people, but not all were there.. yeah. and i have one familar face in there.. shupin!! wahaha. we're in the same CIP, talk to each other quite abit yet we dint know we were in the same group! wahhaha. but we were glad to see each other there cos we thought it felt kinda awkward initially and there's at least one familar face there. especially when alvan [yes that was how he spelt his name, my facil.] was late. shupin called him while he was parking his car. oops.

shupin [acjc, info sys]: duh. i know the girl and she's damn nice la. we click, so yeah, we'll be classmates for the next one year. whee. grin.
dawn [vj?, social sci]: dint get to talk to her much cos she was sitting on the other side so yeah. but she seemed nice. "D ]
shu-en [rj, biz and social sci]: same as above. but i find her vaguely familar. wonder if she was from rg. hum.
eileen [srjc, econs]: very nice girl. we made our exit together shortly after shupin zao-ed to meet her friend and seem to click quite well..
tiffany [acjc, biz]: erm. chio, but a little quiet? as in, yeah. not extremely sociable. seems the type who doesnt like dirt and water cos she told alven she's going on a 'holiday' during PW camp next week. hem. right, "holiday".
gary [cjc, accountancy]: the only other person going acct in my group. nice guy, easily to talk to, quite cute too. haha. two of us and alvan were talking about retreat for quite a long time, considering alvan [acct yr2] organised it and i wanted to find out what happened to the papayas in the end [remember, captain papaya and it rained?]
weizhong [ajc, biz]: he came late so i dint quite talk to him, but he rides the bike. cool sia.
joseph aka laisoon [poly, info sys]: at the age of 25 [he went poly, then NS, then smu] he's the oldest, even older than alven, hence yeah. seems like a nice guy to chat with but he looks a little haggard. like an uncle. erm yeah.

and two others dint come along today. one guy and a girl i think. yeah. so far my group seems not too bad, just that alven doesnt speak much, hence we await his instructions and converstion topics and we stoned alot honestly. the group 76 facil [a damn chio girl whom i forgot her name, and whom i initially thought was alvan's girlfriend. oops. ] was giggling at the fact that we were stoning at each other but alvan dint know how to 'melt' the ice. kathy was there too, to kaypo. recognised kathy and alven from retreat so it made creating conversation slightly easier. yeaps. and i was asked what rotaract was since i declared to the group that i might [or is it will] be joining rotaract. yeah. not bad la, the meeting. and it lasted more than an hour, amazingly. dint order anything from TCC considering the fact that i wasnt hungry, plus the stuff there are a little pricey, but they sure look good. yummy. wahaha.

met him at holland v for lunch and icecream. nice meeting today, although it was short. yeah and saw his best friend terence. in a rather unglam way considering i was sitting on the floor engrossed in my book listening to music sitting crosslegged and then i see somebody right in front of me trying to get my attention. oh wells.