a place where she always goes

Thursday, December 16, 2004

mm i realise i havent been blogging long entries today.
but life has been so boring, there's nothing much to blog about.
i mean, you dont wanna read repeated entries of me staying at home, going online, playing neopets/racingfrogs, reading books, watching tv right? right. i answered my own question. muaha.

went east coast park to cycle with family today.
it was fun.
and i got a surprise there (:
when i was cycling back from the very end of ecp, i thought i vaguely heard someone calling nana. i turned around, but i couldnt see anyone. plus my bicycle was swerving from left to right, so i turned back and continued cycling. and i was still thinking, that voice sounded like eileen's. but on second thoughts, eileen dint seem like she knew how to cycle. so i presumed it wasnt her.
so i continued.
and when i was about to return the bicycle to the rental place, i heard the same voice.
and I SAW EILEEN NEW YILIN! hahahahahahahahaha (:
then she scolded me. hahahahaha. cos i dint stop to answer her when she called out to me. and her sis even chased after me and helped her call out for me. but apparently i was cycling too fast. then she called my handphone and msged me. BUT i dint bring my handphone out today. muahahahahaha.
so funny (:
it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO super nice to see her. she's still her same old self.
wheeee (: *big hugs to eileen new*
missed her loads.
wheeeee. so happy today (:
well at least now i know she knows how to cycle (: [dont whack me eileen!]
and we can go cycling together! (:

cant wait for the class to get together again.
but when can that be?