a place where she always goes

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

realised i havent been updating my blog for such a long time. there's only 11 more days to Alevels anyway.. due freedom in only a few weeks, days.. slowly counting down.. woohoo... haha..

*sheesh* been getting double vision for the past few days, went to the optician just on tues afternoon, after deciding to leave school early. coudn't even focus properly on my maths paper 1... imagine, taking 1 hr to finish the first part of maths c paper one, just because i couldnt really see what i was trying to do.. quite freaked out but dint tell the rest what was going on cos i scared later freak them out also.. *sheesh* optician said i dint let my eyes rest properly, cos study for too long a period.. now i gotta look out of my window after mugging for 1+ hours. *blearh* then what i do during long papers? stare at the hall after finishing 7 questions of maths? *haii*

watched wan quan yu le yesterday after yuan msged me got will pan coming on, and he did... ahhh.. so shuai and cute... he looks especially cute when he smiles, his grin ah... *swoon* haha....

read finished "the pianist" yesterday. was sooo touched. cried a little at the end of the book when they said that the colonel who saved the jewish pianist died in a concentration camp for german POWs.. will get the vcd of "the pianist" after Alevels to watch. i bet it's gonna be a great and touching movie. sigh.

looking forward to so much things to do after Alevels. my jue dai shuang jiao 3, going in search of "ma la xian shi" which has will pan and shanwei. learning to drive. daytona. going sentosa for chalet. shopping for prom. the class website. searching for jobs for 2004. catching up with friends and long lost friends. ahhhhhh....

i simply cannot wait.