a place where she always goes

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

mark mark mark mark. wrong wrong wrong wrong. right right right right.
mark mark mark mark. right wrong right wrong. wrong right right wrong.

igneous sedimentary metamorphic.
point point point point. 4. point. half. point point 2. point point point point point half. 5.5. good.

core mantle crust.
3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.

core. hot. uncontinuous. plates. 6-70km thick.
point point point. 3. point half. 1.5. point. 1.
what the heck are you trying to tell me? zero.

folding faulting.
zero zero zero zero.
out of the blue. ONE. TWO!!
then. zero zero zero zero.

i feel like a marking machine. help. can somebody invent a marking machine for me please?
this week is my geography class test week. just finished marking E4's geog test in school just now. concentration time. pia-ed the whole class in 2 hours. nearly died there. plus i marked 2T1's social studies test. MCQ. not too tough. just that i memoried the answers by the time i reached the fifth script. plus i marked finish E2's comprehensions. gotta return it to them by tmr. fail fail fail fail. what the hell. they seriously need help in their summaries. alot of them are hovering at the edge, 17, 18, 19. with a few who barely made it past the 20 mark. and the highest was a 27.

still have 2 classes of functional writing tests which i better start tonight. and 2e5's geog test. 1E2's geog test so far. and today is wednesday. 2E1, 2E3 and 2A2 have not taken their test yet. soo great.
now i finally understand what mrs wong meant by plenty of marking. and when she told me that, she dint take into consideration my EL classes. so well.

gotta live with it.
cant wait for the midyears.
sense my sarcasm? 200 scripts of sec 2 express geography each woth 100 marks.
the class test that i set for my geog classes was a mere 25 mark test paper.
6 X 25 X 40 = 6000 marks.
5 X 200 X 100 = 100 0000 marks.

wonder how is xinxin surviving at css? was talking to huimui online again yesterday and she mentioned her pri sch best friend who's currently studying at CSS now, and having xinxin as her relief teacher for science. grin. talking about a small small world.