a place where she always goes

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

eh. title?

hm. after reading what i wrote yesterday in the earlier part of the entry, i do admit i was a little too blown up.
hence i apologise. to whoever whatever. yeah.
read: my mummy made me do this.
HARLOW MUMMY! (she's starting to read my blog you see. so my blog has to be 'cleansed'. "D)
he came out today to meet me at sun plaza. gave me a single stem rose bouquet that looked beautiful but was hidden in a white plastic bag. hem. plastic bag?!? but of course, thankew dear. *muacks* he even bought prawns and squids for my parents to eat. my mum is impressed. talked and settled some issues we had between us. it was nice to see him today, even when it was for a mere 2 hours odd cos he had to go back in after that. hee. a little upset that i cant crash sentosa tmr since they are leaving at 4pm (?!? who leaves sentosa that early?) but i will be watching mean girls with junhui tmr mah. hee.
had a nicee day in school today though i must admit i was a little distracted. gave up trying to teach CME. since they all wont listen and i'll only be there until next monday, i've decided to give free periods for all CME classes except for my sec ones. i've planned a little groupwork for them. jody, shush kay? teaching PG to 4T2 tmr. sheesh. kailyn will be laughing her head off. aiyoh. cornered by the E2 students today during their recess and couldnt shoo them off for recess. aiyoh. but loved every minute of talking to them. the girls and the 3 cheeky boys. but i dint see dittaya today. heard from justin he was sent for detention for being rude to the geog teacher. and the geog teacher dint even realise it. hm. dittaya was never rude to me. and i agree with what an acad malay boy told me today when he was talking to me during his free period. he said, 'students always want to be regarded with respect and dignity. if the teachers see them as equals and respect them, they would return the same attitude to the teachers. of course, if the students break school rules, they deserve to be punish because they wont be acting as responsible students. but at the same time, teachers should not be abusing their authority by screaming at the students for every minor thing they do wrong, or even mistrust the students.' this came from him and i truly agree. i see my sec ones as equals, fellow friends. i treat them like how i would treat my friends, and i came to realise shortly after teaching for 2 weeks that the best way to curb their cheeky attitude would be to return the same cheekyness and lameness to them. and they come to appreciate that and that's our way of interaction, me teasing the students and they teasing me back. maybe that's why im better received as compared to the older teachers. maybe as young adults or mature teenagers, we think this way because we're still young. we still have very much an open mind. i mean, to people like xinxin ruoling and eileen, i wonder if you guys behave like this too. i believe xinxin does (her being her mean suaning character *grin*), but im not too sure about eileen and ruoling. maybe they do too. we were all once students, and dint we too, crave for respect from our teachers too? dint we wanna see our teachers as fellow friends if possible, especially the younger ones? this was how ms debbie teo and ms jasmine ng treated us, and we respected them for that. we did, dint we? so now as teachers (or rather relief teachers) should we not be doing the same too? we cant claim the difference between neighbourhood schools and better schools, because everybody are students ultimately. we cannot look down on the neighbourhood students, because during my stint in hillgrove, i came to realise that neighbourhood kids are ultimately more emotionally mature and considerate than elite school kids. really. they are very nice kids with a very strong sense of morality (erm excluding smoking stealing for extreme cases) and a very strong sense of loyalty. which i admire. truly.
you know something? i salute these kids.