a place where she always goes

Thursday, March 03, 2005

been wanting to blog since bgs started. but been sidetracked by so many things.
firstly it was email. then it was bgs mindmaps. then it was bgs individual assignment. then it was kelv passing ard his mahjong cd in order for us to play mahjong together online. but then it wasnt working. then i went back to bgs individual assignment. and it was break. chiong-ed assignment, asked elaine and yixin to help me get coney dog. then chatting with friends about american idol.
FINALLY. i get down to blogging.
grin. been a busy morning. meeting, amusing msn conversation with someone going totally high. hahahaha.

this is very weird. apparently some unknown stranger just walked into our seminar room and is currently sitting in our sr listening to our prof. hem. we think its one concerned parent who is wondering how SMU really works, and if we are really that different. hem. very interesting.

currently right now, 4 people i.e. yixin weijie junyi and conglin are the top 24 scorers in hwachong. ahhhh smart asses!! anyways. knew junyi was smart since the times of angel mortal game. grin. slightly worried for daughter and pansy. mm. still waiting still waiting.
to think a year ago, i was in their shoes, waiting frantically for ang to stop talking and for us to go out and look for rudy lee for their results. to think those were the days. oh haiii.

anyways. tmr is camp. people, try as much as possible not to msg me cuz i may be directed to the msian network and it will be considered international phonecalls/msges for you guys. remembered last year i paid a hefty bill for my march handphone bills. grin. dont msg from sat 3pm onwards all the way till 4pm on sunday. i'll be at camp christine [wherever that is.] grin.

class ended!
time for tuition.
home tonight, pia MA project, pack bag.
and then tmr, 930am set off for NCSS. grin.
so long guys. tataz :)