yesterday was fun fun and more fun! :D
hehehe. sch flew past in a whirlwind and then twas time for fantastic 4!
sijia came along last minute and 5 of us shared 2 small tubs of ben&jerrys courtesy from me. muahaha. it was nice to see them all again, tim wendy eugene and SIJIA! grin.
timtoh drove. but too bad i dint join them for dinner after the movie. wendy was half forced to have dinner with tim and eugene. poor girl. hee.
me and sijia had a nice walk down orch towards taka where i was supposed to meet aileen to get my stuffs. and it was really (to the power of infinity) nice to walk down orch with her and have the long missed girlie talks. :/ reminded me of the fortnightly orchard trips during jc.. managed to convince her to join us for class dinner albeit it was supposed to be a 02s36 class dinner.
met aileen and oliver for my stuffs that flew in from the states!
hee online shopping mah and it was delivered to her place.
one of my earrings i got from asos :)
aint it chio? wahahas.
then we moved down to far east.. me and sijia did a little shopping and she bought a nice skirt on the spur! hahah.. and we waited for them to come along..
plenty of people came down! best 02s36 outing we had ever.
people who came down: me eileen sijia elsa yanlian xinxin venus zq becca yijian jinyang wilbur. plus lilian whom we looked for at koollook after dinner cuz she was working there.. only missing ruoling and shuyuan and dewen and cindy and boss! k now that seems like alot. but most of us were there! now i wonder why dint eileen call csy along. hehehe. the ones in bold have been missing for a long time. :/
but it was nice to see everyone. the camaraderie was still there.. and a damn funny story happened after me becca and xinxin left them to head for home FIRST. bet we ended up home later than all of them. see right, becca and xinxin were behaving like immature childish little children, stepping on each other's slippers. guess what happened.
that is xinxin's slippers.
so she hobbled all over far east and scotts with us in tow in search of a new pair of cheap slippers. and in the mean time, whichever pair of slippers she had her eyes on, there was no available size for her. it got so bad, whenever she asked for her size 7, we waited abatedly. and giggled like secondary sch children when it was announced that size 7 was not available. seriously it was damn funny! but she got it in the end, after we made her stand outside the shop and we pick and ask for the slippers for her. had a major laugh over it. becca went nearly hysterical i think. see we dont need alcohol to get high. just a pair of slippers will do.
cant wait to go ntu next week with becca to visit xinxin and venus in search of good food!
ntu people starting sch next week. BAHHH.
i love 02s36. :) always and forever.
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