it was a bright fun sunny day after IPR lesson*, which happened to be fantabulous!, that i just had a very late lunch/early dinner @ sess kopitiam. was walking back to accountancy block where i had left all my stuff in the locker, so i was going back to retrieve it. to my amusement i saw this banner right at the entrance of the SOA building, so i was checking out the people who happened to be in the picture. then i saw ron, and i was like AHA, together with thermin somemore. then i walked closer. and walked closer. and to my horror, it was the picture we took at SMUve last year where we moved from old campus to new campus and MY BIG FACE IS THERE! rawr! im like right next to yuan, who was in the red shirt.
pwhoah i was like )(*&%^#%$@)@)(*@.
this is the second time my picture has been used without my knowledge! at least this time round, i found it out myself, instead of having people to come tell me "oh look your picture was in sososososo magazine." -_-
and the best thing was, the security guard recognised me. as i walked closer to the gantry, he asked, "eh thats you in the picture right?" i was like er... yea. >.< and the security guard was super amused because he reckoned he had seen me walk past this gantry a couple of times ever since school started and it took me this long to realise that i was on the banner.
how fantastic. -.-
and and oh!
*IPR lesson was a blast, really! the prof was great and entertaining, super funkay, together with uber nice classmates whom i hit off with immediately as the lesson progressed. and i found myself a project group without too much of a hassle! things are loooking good i'd say :)

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