the newest members of dino dance suffer from two problems.
hand eye coordination and memory laspe.
ruoling suffers from the former, nana suffers from the latter.. how bout szeyi? hahaha.
wheeee. had hell of a fun time dancing hiphop today.
so fun! even during the times when i screw up and miss steps, and end up sticking my tongue out at claire, our instructor, a damn pretty chio slim lady. hahaha.
had a nice chat with dino before and after dance class, and i must admit, that place gives me a nice warm feeling. very friendly.. :)
more next week!
was nearly convinced by ruoling and szeyi to join them and another of their guy friend to go for free spa opened by leslie kwok. ruoling even put me on the phone with the guy la.. aiyah dont wanna go la, so extra.. sooner or later i'll find myself hanging out with ruoling and her friends from sheares lor..
me and joycet pigged out at swensens with a regular earthquake!
check this out!
us with the earthquake!
two of us cleaned it out! :D what a feat.
and we had bk lunch before that. muahahaha we are such pigs.. grin.
tmr there's horsey riding!
or rather, theory lessons only. oops.
but still. grin.
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