a place where she always goes

Sunday, April 30, 2006

武侠 RPG

武侠群英传是个单机又网络游戏,幻想三国志则是纯单机的游戏,哪一个好?若是买纯单机,就不必担心网络伺服器出现问题。可是若有网络伺服器的存在,那我又能有更多任务好完成,那岂不是更好玩吗?可是武侠群英传有手册让我参考啊!两个游戏的动画都好生动,漂亮,因为他们都是来自同一家公司,也是我最喜欢的userjoy technologies 了!还记得以前俊慧常让我玩她的绝代双骄1,2,3,都让我玩上了瘾。如今她人不在新加坡,我只好自己亲自另外寻找好玩的武侠游戏了。

but but but. i wanna buy world of warcraft too! but that is really expensive. >.<
die lars. HOW?!?!?!

one thing i do know, if i start playing any of these games, im bound to stop playing maple. i better get to lvl 70 before i buy any of the above games. >.< or maybe i'll get them before. AIYAH I DONT KNOW!!!

Saturday, April 29, 2006


i wanna learn salsa~~~ but i dont have the time to go down! jinyang just told me about classes at jitterbugs which he started earlier! X( darn if only i dint have exams, then i could have started earlier together with him. darn darn darn. i wanna learn salsa.. but salsa at jitterbugs is a tad far. and it somehow clashes with my tuition timing lei. and and. MMM. lemme go think about it somemore. maybe i will start in june. maybe maybe maybe. AIYAH i also dunno lars. i dont wanna start, and then go off to shanghai for 2 weekends and come back unable to catch up. shall tell jinyang to go ahead first ba. >.<
but it would be good if there's company. SALSA anyone? :D

speaking of music, i just bought my 2nd consecutive chinese album! havent been buying CDs for a very long time. and i finally bought my 2nd one for this year. the first one being an acoustic album by 优克里林, and now this 2nd one is by tank! :D i like his songs alot alot! :) he reminds me of david tao hehe. and now im enjoying his songs while blogging. hiakshiaks.

i wanna learn dance. i wanna learn an instrument. was watching some students strum the guitar during one of my relief periods and i envy them for having the talent to be able to learn the guitar on their own. i wanna learn loads of stuff. so i need $$$ and time!
somehow i think i have the $$$ but not the time. if i really want to learn dance, first thing i need to do, rearrange my tuition timings such that im free on weekend evenings. >.<

Thursday, April 27, 2006


hello girls and guys and students alike reading (:

as to why my blog is so whitish, im a minimalist. simple is nice, to me at least. i guess im past the stage where i want things to be bright and colourful and funky at the same time, though my favourite colours still remain as orange and purple. so i think i like my blog this way. may make a little small changes here and there, but i think it will remain like this largely. unless i can find a nice simple and minimalistic layout somewhere else. :)

my maple char is sodiume, bootes. she is a spearman at lvl 64, en route to becoming a dragonknight. and yes i DO play maple, so im not saying to pacify you guys. and stop asking me about my char in school! makes me feel more like a student than a teacher. >.<

and i want my life back. so far life has been work and tuition and maple and reading. and work and tuition and maple and reading.

but i had a FANTASTIC TIME with yihua and yuan today at marina kbox :) we sang our hearts and jumped on the seats of kbox [actually only yuan did. =P ] and then we had a nice dinner at carls jnr! my first nice proper dinner at carls junior. the first one at vnc meeting doesnt count, i wasnt with close friends. muahahaha.
making dates to go out with the nus/ntu people when their exams end.
so far..
5th may: out with szeyi and ruoling at brewerkz!
and thats it so far. i want more more more!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

same old brand new YOU

this feels like coming home you know, after ditching this place for a near eight whole months. for those who still come back occasionally, welcome back to my humble abode.

to my friends: im back.
to my students: im back.
to my acquaintances: im back.

to myself: hello&welcome.

its high time a public blog comes alive again.